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What causes back pain and is yoga beneficial? You have come to the right page! Here we are going to cover everything from root causes to the simple yoga poses that can help fix this problem.

Back pain and particularly lower back pain cases seem to have grown over the years. If left unchecked it could lead to debilitating conditions like herniated discs. Lifestyle changes that have made us chair dwelling and sedentary is the key culprit. To heal, you need to look at the root causes. It could be a combination of the following:

  • Overused (upper back and shoulders)
  • Underused (back muscles)
  • Not used (core muscles)
  • Abused (lumbar and lower vertebrae of your spine)
  • Lose (oblique muscles)
  • Back pain can also be related to grief and loss of stability in life.

While it is recommended to get a therapist or physician to look it over, few DIY back exercises could also help release the pain. These are easy to do yoga asana that even beginners can follow without any problem.

Asanas that helps to reduce back pain

  • Tadasana (Mountain Pose): Stretch the spine such that it counteracts the continuous seated posture that we adopt. Yoga poses such as this with arms extending to the ceiling should be done each time you are getting out of your chair.
  • Uttanpadasana (Raised leg pose): Lower back pain is often associated with a tight hamstring. Make sure your day does not end till you stretch out the hamstrings. Various leg raising poses help release the hamstring without aggravating the lower back pain. Use a towel or strap around the leg and hold it so that you get the stretch without having to strain.
  • Balasan (Childs Pose): Wind up the routine with,  with knees places wide apart.
  •  Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): One of the best poses to combat and prevent back pain is the cobra posture. Based on your back condition you may have to do the apt variation.

Benefits of the Cobra Pose are

  • Strengthens the spine and lower back muscles.
    • Firms the buttocks, stretches chest and shoulders.
    • Stimulates the organs in the abdomen – both digestive and reproductive.
    • Relieves stress and fatigue and is very invigorating
      Therapeutic applications for Asthma and Sciatica.

Follow these easy steps to master the cobra asana:

  • Lie on the abdomen, feet together. Hands beside the body. Bend your hands at the elbow, place the palms on the mat such that the fingertips are in the line of the collar bone, elbows close to the body touching the rib cage.
  • Take a couple of nice long breaths.
  • Extend your spine so that you are reaching forward with the crown
  • Pull your shoulders away from your ears and try to squeeze the muscles in your shoulder blades together.
  • Now slowly lift your head up, and lift the palms off the mat.
  • This is the petit cobra. Stay in the pose and practice long breathing. If this feels comfortable and can be held for 15 seconds then you can proceed to cobra pose.
  • As you exhale come down on to the mat – vertebrae by vertebrae.
  • Place the palms on the floor and slowly try to lift your body such that you do not rely on your hand strength but only on your back and core strength. Press down with your pelvis but lift from the upper abdomen. Ensure that your collar bone is parallel to the ground and that your shoulders are not tensing up. Build up for 30 seconds and do 3 sets daily.

Contraindications: Carpel tunnel, headache, pregnancy, back injury. Perform these asanas at home, slowly and mindfully to become stronger and healthier than before

About the Author : Nuthan Manohar , founder of Me Met Me is an International trainer , published researcher, two-time TEDx speaker on well-being with over 15 years of expertise. She is a Sleep Whisperer and a Therapeutic Perfumer.